Use "seven species|seven species" in a sentence

1. Seven species of Abalones are found in California

2. Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.

3. Toxotes jaculatrix The banded Archerfish is one of seven Archerfish species

4. A. andreniformis was the fifth honey bee species to be described of the seven known species of Apis.

5. Chestnuts are produced by seven species of tree within the Castanea genus

6. At least seven species of australopithecines are now generally recognized, including Australopithecus afarensis,A

7. The seven species are the snail, spotted, white, flat, black, brown, and yellow Bullheads.

8. There are seven major levels of Classification: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species

9. Out of 21 species of Bandicoots, seven are classified as critically endangered or already extinct.

10. Aristolochiaceae, Birthwort family (order Piperales), which contains seven genera and about 590 species of mostly tropical woody vines and a few temperate-zone species

11. Allium is one of about fifty-seven genera of flowering plants with more than 500 species.

12. The total content of Betaines from seven species was obtained by using the Reinkeate salt precipitation method

13. A total of 1174 adult Coleopterans belonging to 21 species and seven families were collected during this study

14. There are no crayfish native to continental Africa, but seven species on Madagascar, all of the genus Astacoides.

15. Humans, Chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six or seven million years ago

16. Booby, any of six or seven species of large tropical seabirds constituting the family Sulidae (order Pelecaniformes or Suliformes)

17. Seven measurements in the cerebellar complex were completed on 45 individuals, including 26 species of Anthropoids from Stephan's collection

18. The Bay Area has its own terns, seven species that nest or winter here or pass through in migration.

19. There are seven species of periodical Cicadas, four with a 17-year cycle and three with a 13-year cycle

20. Dickson's thylacine (Nimbacinus dicksoni) is the oldest of the seven discovered fossil species, dating back to 23 million years ago.

21. Nine helminth species (four trematodes, one cestode, three nematodes, and one acanthocephalan) were found, eight from T. tyrannus and seven from T. verticalis. Six species were common to both hosts.

22. Chestnut, genus of seven species of deciduous trees in the beech family (Fagaceae), native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere

23. There are seven different species of these birds, the black-capped, boreal, Carolina, chestnut-backed, grey-headed, Mexican, and mountain Chickadees.

24. The seven fat cows and the seven full heads of grain mean seven years, and the seven thin cows and the seven thin heads of grain mean seven more years.

25. And it was in disagreement with seven -- seven, count them, seven experiments.

26. There are also seven species of Bats that have, on occasion, been found in Florida but they do not normally live here

27. Seven angels with seven plagues (1-8)

28. The generality of avoidance of damaged Conspecifics among species, and the unanimity of this behaviour within each species, were assessed in the field for seven species of intertidal scavenging snails from four sites within latitudes 16–36°S and longitudes 137–180°E.

29. 22 There are seven priests, with seven trumpets, and the whole business takes exactly seven days.

30. Seven trematode, three nematode, two cestode, one acanthocephalan, one protozoan, and three acarina species were recovered from 171 muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) taken in Manitoba.

31. There are seven species of Archerfish in the genus Toxotes, all of them native to Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, and the southern Pacific islands

32. Seven Springs offers seven cottages and 13 Chalets, each …

33. We call a Candelabra that holds seven candles either a seven branch or seven light Candelabra

34. If we could copy the spider’s chemical wizardry—two species even produce seven varieties of silk—imagine how it could be put to use!

35. Be seven

36. Thirty-seven species of Arachnidae, which I brought home, will besufficient to prove that I was not paying overmuch attention to thegenerally favoured order of Coleoptera

37. Thirty-seven species of Arachnidae, which I brought home, will besufficient to prove that I was not paying overmuch attention to thegenerally favoured order of Coleoptera

38. Manny had already won seven world titles in seven weight classes.

39. In the original language, the expression “sevens” literally reads “seven seven.”

40. Chapter Twenty-seven

41. Centuries earlier, an Egyptian pharaoh had dreams of seven healthy ears of grain and seven fat-fleshed cows contrasted with seven sickly ears of grain and seven emaciated cows.

42. We should thus recognize palaeospecies, morphospecies, sibling species, ring species, polytypic species, biospecies, introgressed species, hybrid species, compilospecies, agamospecies, gynogenetic species, and so on.

43. Seven thumbs long!

44. Seven of clubs.

45. I sifted seven...

46. The first was of seven healthy cows followed by seven sick ones.

47. Five of the seven known families within this suborder are extinct; only the families Phascolarctidae, with the koala, and Vombatidae, with three extant species of wombat, survive.

48. There are seven lamps on it,+ yes, seven, and the lamps, which are at the top of it, have seven pipes.

49. Surrounded by seven hills and seven fjords, Bergen is a beguiling city

50. Now that manipulation was broken down into seven moves described over seven pages.

51. For the diligent the week has seven todays; for the slothful seven tomorrows.

52. 28 Ninety-seven percent of all mammal species operate their love lives entirely on this signal. They copulate to the point of disinterest, and then they move on.

53. Like the cretan bull, you wrestled it for seven days and seven nights.

54. All seven species of great Apes share the following characteristics: no tail, a large skull with a large brain, a curved spine and an opposable or prehensile thumb

55. Description Reverend Seven Abstinences, his title came from the Seven Abstinences in Buddhism

56. ... seven-six- - Seven-six-two armor-piercing discarding sabot with an automated reload.

57. Really, have you had a the seven fat kine and the seven lean kine?

58. The seven dwarfs suggest the seven days of the weekdays filled with work.

59. And they're being traded by a species of almost seven billion individuals, who are linked by trade, travel, and the Internet into a global system of stupendous complexity.

60. Released to seven outlets.

61. With the seven dwarves ,

62. seven-channel amplifier section,

63. Barry, check aisle seven.

64. Seven blessings to you.

65. He said: “The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top.

66. Seven Days Till Easter

67. Alexandrine had seven siblings:

68. It's twenty plus seven.

69. For instance, isn't seven...?

70. Up to seven times?’

71. Bashful is one of the seven dwarfs in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

72. Aeneus species complex with 25 species

73. Five Seven Nine Banquets, Vector

74. Bible verses about Seven Abominations

75. Number seven: particle accelerator mishap.

76. Seven minus three equals four .

77. The seven hexagons formed by colored ribbons represents the seven emirates of the host country.

78. The seven sons of Job apparently held a seven-day family gathering once a year.

79. Notably, the series won seven consecutive games in the first seven rounds of the tournament.

80. Seven Abominations Unto the Lord